Posted by KH »
Its Friday today and I am going to make this post K.I.S.S.
Here are five quick tips for buying and investing silver in Malaysia:
Tips #1 – Buy Silver Bars
Silver bars are imported under HS-code 7106. Silver coins are under HS-code 7118. HS-code 7118 says, “Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender, is subject to import duty of 5% and sale tax of 10%”.
Buy silver bars and skip the 15% import tax premium.
Tips #2 – Go Bigger Oz
Buy 1 x 10 oz bar instead of 10 x 1 oz bar. Buy 1 x 100 oz instead of 10 x 10 oz. The bigger oz you buy, the bigger saving you get on minting. Scottsdale Silver’s 10 oz and 100 oz comes with a cool stacking feature.

Posted by KH »
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In this post, we will investigate in details our 3rd series coins. This is in response to my previous post, 10 facts about Malaysia’s new 3rd series coins. I will share with you how I discover my facts.

^ I was at Bank Negara yesterday to check out the new coins first handed
The engineering of my facts are simply breaking down the metal content of the coin in percentage and matches it with current metal market price. Four metals are involved in today’s baking lesson. They are namely Nickel, Copper, Zinc and Stainless Steel. Sadly, none of them are in the precious metals group.
Let’s crunch some numbers.
Posted by KH »

^ Image from website.
Today, we welcome the news from Bank Negara that we will be having a new set of coins to replace our current aged design. I took the effort to investigate and compare the newer coins with our existing coins and found some interesting facts. Below are the 10 facts I found interesting and that all Malaysian should know.
10 facts about the 3rd series Malaysian coins
Fact #1: 50 sen shrinks 39.3% in weight.
Fact #2: 5 sen gain 21.9% in weight.
Fact #3: 50 and 20 sen have Nickel Brass content.
Fact #4: 5 sen is the only one gain in diameter with 9.4% gain.
Fact #5: 1 sen is officially retired.
Fact #6: Stainless steels are now our new 5 and 10 sen.
Fact #7: 100% nickel 50 sen is still 20% off its face value.
Fact #8: None of it has metal value that matches it’s face value.
Fact #9: None of it has value higher than the previous coins.
Fact #10: None of it has any precious metals in it.
Posted by KH »
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If you are a fan of Transformers, you might be interested in these. Yes, not only does dark moon has Transformers, Perth Mint Australia has them too! You can order them directly at Perth Mint’s website.
It cost AUD$299 to buy them today. Convert that to with today’s rate against Australian dollar of 3.25, it’s about RM971.75. You can have them directly shipped to your Malaysian address but it’s subject to 5% import and 10% sales tax (approx RM145.76). With that, your total cost rounds up to RM1,117.5. That’s about RM372.5 for one piece of Optimus Prime coin.