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Last Saturday, 23rd February, marked another milestone in Rolling Silver’s achievements. Our founder and CEO Mr KH Lau was invited to share his knowledge on Silver Investing at a Property Investment Club’s Education event, 3rd Crown Jewel Forum entitled: PRECIOUS METALS: Real Money that survives the test of time! featuring Sheik Imran Hosein & KH Lau.

^ Thank you for organising the talk. Click here for bigger picture.
Property Crown is now one of the leading property investment network in Malaysia. They held monthly educational programs for their members. At the 3rd Crown Jewel edition, Mr KH Lau were featured as the one of the two speakers.

^ Sheikh Imran Hosein with Dr Mahathir
The other speaker on that event was, Sheikh Imran Hosein, a prolific Islamic scholar and a distinguished authority in Dinar & Dirham. His latest book “Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham – Islam and The Future of Money” is widely available in the market today. Here is a limited edition signed copy.

^ Autographed Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham book by Sheikh Imran Hosein‘s latest Gold Dinar & Silver Dirham Collection is very well approved by Sheikh himself. He is a strong advocate for transaction to be done in real assets. In Islamic teachings, Dinar & Dirham has been used and widely quoted in the Holy Al-Quran. During his lecture, he also shared about the financial system around the world and the obvious flaws with the FIAT Currency or paper money.

After a short break in between, KH Lau takes the stage and began his sharing on his humble beginnings into this industry. From writing his first entry into this blog, to setting shop from his home and to becoming one of the leading player in the Precious Metal Bullion market in the country.

^ KH delivering his talk
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“2. It is a great way to make money to replace the money that a nation has lost in a recession caused by abuses of the financial system. You just print more money.”
Quantitative Easing in Dr. Mahathir’s own words, is to solve a country economical problems thru the mean of printing money.

^ Quantitative Easing is an unfair advantage for the rich nations
“3. Actually I don’t think they actually print currency notes amounting to the hundreds of billions of dollars or pounds to replace the money they have lost. The amount of printed currency notes would be huge and be very difficult to transport to the banks which has lost the money. There would be a stream of armoured cars from the mints to the banks.”
Posted by KH »
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“2. But the business is spurious. The financial market is basically about gambling. Ever since America decided that the market should regulate itself, that there should be less Government, all kinds of unacceptable practices have been allowed. Short selling expanded from shares to commodities to currencies, Banks lend more money than they have and allowed highly leveraged borrowings by hedge funds and currency traders. They indulge in sub-prime loans, securing these imprudent lending by mortgaging and insurance.”

^ Suggesting currency should be pegged to Gold or other Precious Metals
Again, we have it from our ex prime minister, bashing on the current financial mess in Europe and US. Dr. Mahathir has been unfavoured over hedge funds since the beginning. He often bash the practice of “leveraging” as creating money.
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“3. What is one trillion dollars? We write it down as one billion with three additional zeros after it. Thus 1,000,000,000,000. It is not such a big figure. You add three zeros or three nothings and the figure increases by 1,000 times.”

^ Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad is not a trillion dollar fan
“But if we write down one billion as 1,000,000,000 one thousand times, we will have a better idea of what one trillion means. We would be horrified at the size of one trillion if we write the figure 1, one trillion times, which really is what one trillion means.”
If it takes 0.1 second to write 1 on a piece paper, it would take three thousand one hundred sixty eight years to finish writing 1, one trillion times. Yes, three thousand one hundred sixty eight years. If I start writing it now, I would finish by year 5179.
Posted by KH »
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Tun Mahathir Mohamad recently blogged on Quantitative Easing under his entry entitled – QE II. In his first sentence, he explained that QE II is not the short for Queen Elizabeth II or does it has any relationship with the retired QE II Cruise.

^ Tun Mahathir Mohamad is Chedet
“3. What is quantitative easing? It is about printing and issuing money to overcome a financial problem. Lately Britain has printed 75 billion pounds to help distressed banks and others.”
He sarcastically commented that Malaysian would be damned if Malaysia were to adopt QE for our economic problems.